Monday, February 13, 2012

Amazon Breaks Into The Movie And TV Biz

Amazon is branching out with its new company Amazon Studios, in partnership with Warner Bros. The site allows users to submit scripts, screen plays, and test movies to be reviewed by other users. It allows the online community to give ideas and critique writers and filmmakers on their work, as well as be chosen to have their work be made into a feature film. Not to mention get paid a good chunk of change, in fact Amazon  awarded two movies 12 Princesses and Origin Of Species $1.1 million collectively. The goal of the site apparently is to get movie green lighting out of the hands of major studios, though a major studio is involved, and into the hands of the people. Many on the site have collaborated with one another to develop scripts and screenplays and $2.2 million in total was awarded last year. Though they have, in the last year, been involved in movies they also seem to be branching out into TV according to Wired. As reported by, "Amazon is looking for television executives to develop original half-hour kids' and comedy series for both online and traditional distribution, according to two new job postings at" I find all of this to be fascinating hopefully this can usher in a new era free of MPAA control over movie production, as well as the end of really crappy movies released by major motion picture studios. As always I'd love to hear your take on it.

Amazon Breaks Into The Movie And TV Biz

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